The year’s biggest sailfish flew out of the water last Thursday to the surprise of dive boats passing nearby, the amusement of surfers catching waves just inshore of the action, and the delight of the gang on Night Runner.

The 91-pound billfish with the enormous dorsal fin had taken a live opelu towed behind the boat and put on the spectacular display the remarkable gamefish is known for. For the rest of the story
In 2015, the charterboat Raptor made big news throughout the year on its way to setting a new Kona record for the number of blue marlin caught in one year. This year Bruce and Carol Herren have been making news for not catching them. When Carol brought in a 350-pound blue last Wednesday, it was their first for 2016.
Kona attracts fishermen from all over the world. They find success here, even if they don’t

speak the language, simply because they do understand the common language of fishing. That was the case on Tuesday when a father and son pair from China faced off against a 500-pound blue marlin.
Though we are still a month or so away from the start of the annual spring ono run, lucky trollers occasionally stumble on a patch of fish that seem to have gotten here early. On Wednesday, the ono lit up the wake of Linda Sue IV. Capt. Jeff Heintz had Randy and Gordy Grepentrot of Mayville, Wisconsin aboard for the hot action. The father/son team boated five ono with several topping the 40-pound mark, Jeff said. For each one boated, another ono shook free so there are more out there waiting for you. For the rest of the story
On Thursday, kayaker Devin Hallingstad filled the Big-Fish List uku spot with a 17.5-pound gray snapper. Devin was

towing a live opelu behind his plastic paddle boat and paused for a quick, two-minute rest. While his kayak drifted, his bait settled down deeper and deeper until it reached the level of the waiting uku. For the rest of the story
Jack Leverone was pulling in trolling lines at the end of the day when he noticed something odd about the last lure to reach the boat. Something was draped over the head of the lure and wouldn’t shake free as the lure bounced across the surface. For the rest of the story
In last Monday’s column we reported on the hot fishing action on many boats after they came upon a dead whale floating a few miles offshore. Thanks to Ray and Solly Valley, you can watch the action on Youtube at The father and son anglers are from Vancouver, Canada and fish here frequently.
Big-Fish List for 2016. The list recognizes the biggest fish caught on rod and reel (except opakapaka and onaga, for which we’ll accept hand line catches) in West Hawaii waters for 2016 in each of 22 categories. They are listed by species, weight, angler, skipper, boat, and date. The list is updated every Sunday throughout the year (copyright 2016 by Jim Rizzuto). If we have overlooked you, give us a call (885-4208) or send an e-mail ([email protected]).
Blue marlin, 802, Lou Groebner, Capt. Rocky Gauron, Go Get Em. Mar. 1.
Black marlin, (vacant)
Ahi, 227, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika. Jan 6.
Bigeye tuna, 173, Dave Remillard, Miles Nakahara, Puamana II. Jan. 11.
Striped marlin, 136.5, Mitchell Romero, Capt. Guy Terwilliger, High Flier. Jan 22.
Spearfish, 54, Nick Humpries, Capt. Shawn Rotella, Night Runner, Feb. 26
Sailfish, 91, Mike Foster, Capt. Shawn Rotella, Night Runner. Mar. 24.
Mahimahi, 53, Nainoa Murtagh, Aulani. Feb. 10.
Ono, 62, Charlie Ford, Capt. Shawn Rotella, Night Runner. Mar. 18.
Kaku, (barracuda), (vacant)
Kahala, 70, Jessica Yell, Capt. Shawn Rotella, Night Runner. Jan 22.
Ulua (giant trevally), 69, Sawyer Slattery, Capt. Kenny Llanes, Lehuanani. Feb 22.
Omilu (bluefin trevally), (vacant)
Otaru (skipjack tuna), 26, Randolph Fort, Capt. James Dean, Blue Hawaii. Marc 7.
Broadbill swordfish, (vacant)
Ahipalaha (albacore), (vacant)
Kawakawa, 16.5, Capt. Chip Fischer, Hanamana. Mar. 3.
Kamanu (rainbow runner), (vacant)
Opakapaka (pink snapper), 9.5. Butch Chee, Sueto Matsumoto, Sandee. Mar. 12.
Onaga (ulaula ko`aie), 19.5, Greg Hong, Kevin Shiraki, Erin Kai. Feb 25.
Uku (gray snapper), 17.5, Devin Hallingstad, kayak. Mar. 24.
O`io (bonefish), (vacant)
Beasts of the week (marlin weighing 500 pounds or more).
None weighed
March 21: Spearfish (30) Kaiser Khaja, Capt. Kenny Fogarty, Hula Girl
March 21: Blue marlin (40) Unknown, Capt. Robert Hudson, Camelot
March 22: Blue marlin (500) Zohan, Capt. Neal Isaacs, Anxious
March 24: Blue marlin (350) Rob Fisher, Capt. Kenny Fogarty, Makana Lani
March 24: Spearfish (30) Ron Turly, Capt. Trevor Child, Maverick
March 24: Blue marlin (350) Carol Herren, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor
March 25: Blue marlin (225) Grant Contry, Capt. Dale Leverone, Sea Strike
March 25: Blue marlin (300) Eckhard Freitay, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky
I chartered with Anxious Fishing Charter and caught the 500 pounds Marlin with Brian and Neal.
My father and I have been chartering a lot in the past five years all the way from Alaskan water catching Salmon to Mexican Water catching Tuna. Kona still remains our top notch Marlin Destination! Catch and Release this 500 pounds Blue was indeed my dream of a lifetime. I had some very good days in the past such as catching 12 Average-sized Mahi-Mahi and 5 Average-sized Tuna in a single day. Also, I had times like catching 6 King Salmon, 9 Lingcods and 3 trophy Halibuts in a single day. But overall, the Blue Marlin remains #1 on my bucket list and my biggest fish! I understand that there were not too many Feel free to email me on “[email protected]”!
– Zohan