Chris Barela, a neighbor of mine in Waimea, bought a few of my lure-making books to perfect his fishing skills. He’s had some eye-catching results. Here is his story and a glimpse of his work.

“I think I have 6 books now one is the fishing Hawaii style volume one first Edition . Thanks for all the info great books the last book i got from you was lure-making fun book. I am a artist so making lures is fun and i have been a mold maker for 25 years so i understand the process . Any how i wanted to show you my lucky lady lure led cast insert she is inside my lure laying on a towel she is only a half inch. I also have around 100 old school lures as well.”
Nope, they are not for sale. Sorry
“I do not plan on selling any lures at this time I am very busy building sculptures and fishing I have a 22ft glasspros that I leave Gentrys marina . Also the girl is on top of the lure but she is very light so she does not effect the roll. I have molds for casting lead this is a 2-1/2 once weight insert casted it belly heavy . Thank you for responding please share on facebook if you could. Here are some more of my lures.”
That’s Really Nice !!