Neal and crew Shawn Palmer hosted Neal’s long-time colleague Anton Krucky for a trip that would also celebrate Anton’s 63rd birthday. Neal especially wanted to do well for Anton because he had been the IBM manager in Honolulu who helped Neal move from South Texas to Hawaii some 35 or so years ago.
That kind of pressure to do well can make you as shaky as a haunted house skeleton, even when your boat isn’t “Anxious,” but Neal knew he could count on the supernatural effect of the witchy-looking black/orange Softhead lure. Click for the rest of the story
By the end of October, the big tuna season each year is just about over, but that’s not the only odd thing about the 211-pound ahi Capt. Bobby Cherry caught last Friday.
Let me take you through it. Bobby had angler Lee Wolfe aboard Cherry Pit II specifically to catch a bit tuna. Bobby seems to catch them when nobody else does, so the target was not beyond reach even though Bobby would have to travel out beyond OT Buoy to find the fish.
Bobby started out by filling his live-bait tubes with some decent-sized opelu and headed northwest to look for signs of feeding tuna. When he spotted the fish activity, he rigged a live opelu on a 6/0 circle hook and watched the marks on his fishfinder. He was soon rewarded with a great “bite.”
Beasts of the week (marlin weighing 500 pounds or more).
None weighed but note the 500-pound blue tagged by Anxious.
Tag and Release
October 28: Blue marlin (120) Carol Herren, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor
October 28: Blue marlin (180) Justin Allen, Capt. Teddy Hoogs, Bwana
October 29: Blue marlin (500) Anonymous, Capt. Brian Schumaker, Anxious
October 29: Blue marlin (225) Jan Martic, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
October 30: Blue marlin (150 and 300) Jennifer Rice, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
October 30: Blue marlin (175 and 200) Robert Milstein, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
October 30: Blue marlin (120) Lee Wolfe, Capt. Bobby Cherry, Cherry Pit II
October 30: Blue marlin (150) Joe Letchinter, (150) Meagan Letchinter, Capt. James Dean, Blue Hawaii
October 30: Blue marlin (225 and 250) Anton Kruckey, Capt. Neal Isaacs, Anxious
October 31: Blue marlin (100) Robert Milstein, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
October 31: Blue marlin (150) Jan Martic, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
October 25: Blue marlin (476.5) Tom Riley, Capt. Robert Hudson, Camelot
October 25: Hapuupuu (grouper), (45) Mark Andrews, Donna Mae
October 28: Mahimahi (52) Ken Hawkeswood, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
October 30: Ahi (211 and 137) Lee Wolfe, Capt. Bobby Cherry, Cherry Pit II