Check out for the weekly report from Kona by Jim Rizzuto. Biggest Kona `ahi of 2015, 233 pounds, on Cherry Pit II, Bomboy scores a 711- introduces special 3X strong “beast” hooks, Wounded Warrior Billfish Battles, Ono run is on, One boat fishing tournament on Ohana.…/konas-biggest-ahi-of-2015-report…
Beasts of the week (marlin weighing 500 pounds or more):
April 30: Blue marlin (711) Steve Morley, Capt. Bomboy Llanes, Lana Kila
Tag and Release
April 26: Blue marlin (600) Shalynn Taniyaman, (120) Brad Damasco, Capt. Carlton Taniyama, Five Star
April 26: Blue marlin (145) Gordon Vergason, Capt. Neal Isaacs, Anxious
April 26: Blue marlin (175) Kevin McLish, Capt. Chris Cawthon, Ohana
April 26: Blue marlin (300) Virin Bernard, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
April 26: Blue marlin (85) Chris Howat, Capt. Marlin Parker, Marlin Magic II
April 27: Blue marlin (150) Jim Fields, Capt. Chris Cawthon, Ohana
April 27: Blue marlin (250) Chris Howat, Capt. Marlin Parker, Marlin Magic
April 27: Blue marlin (150) Dee Walters, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape
April 28: Blue marlin (150) Uriah Chandler, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape
April 29: Blue marlin (80, 120, and 150) Carol Herren, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor
April 29: Blue marlin (175) Dale Walters, Capt. Chris Cawthon, Ohana
April 29: Blue marlin (225) Gary Fish, Capt. Joe Schumaker, Fire Hatt
April 30: Blue marlin (200) Jim Johnson, Capt. Bobby Cherry, Cherry Pit II
April 30: Blue marlin (200 and 500) Jason/Clay Wilkins, Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika
May 1: Blue marlin (125), spearfish (25) Brian Murphy, Capt. Kenny Fogarty, Hula Girl
May 1: Blue marlin (50) Bill Neighbor, Capt. Steve Epstein, Huntress
May 1: Blue marlin (125) Yalmar Guzman, (150) Jason Earl, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor
May 2: Blue marlin (110) Ryan Geragnty, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
May 2: Blue marlin (200), spearfish (30) Brenda Bagwell, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky
May 2: Blue marlin (300) John Alynn, Capt. Neal Isaacs, Anxious
April 27: Kaku (19) Bruce Lentz, Shoreline
April 27: Blue marlin (230) Chris Jenkins, Capt. Jeff Heintz, Linda Sue IV
April 28: Spearfish (30) Jaren Groberg, Capt. Randy Llanes, Sundowner
April 28: Spearfish (30) Mike Vogel, Capt. Bobby Cherry, Cherry Pit II
April 28: Ahi (136) Paul Mueller, Capt. Keoni Llanes, Holiday
April 29: Ahi (138) Jim Fields, Capt. Chris Cawthon, Ohana
April 29: Blue marlin (275) Marcus Castillon, Capt. Jesse Fernandez, Haleiwa Hattie
April 29: Ono (4 fish to 40 pounds) Gary Fish, Capt. Joe Schumaker, Fire Hatt
April 29: Spearfish (25 and 30) Alii Purdy, Capt. Kevin Hiney, Ku’uipo
April 30: Spearfish (30 and 43) Rudy Smith, Capt. Randy Llanes, Sundowner
May 1: Ahi (233) Ken Smith, Capt. Bobby Cherry, Cherry Pit II
May 1: Aku (26) Mark Schoenman, Capt. Andy Diehl, Bite Me III
May 1: Striped marlin (120) Unknown, Capt. Neal Isaacs, Anxious
May 1: Spearfish (35) Steve “Chaps” Jensen, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor
May 2: Ahi (125) Brenda Bagwell, Capt. John Bagwell, Silky
May 2: Spearfish (36) Bradson Rideout, Capt. Molly Palmer, Pamela
May 2: Ahi (93, 95, 98, 125, and 202) Capt. Russ Nitta, Lepika
May 2: Spearfish (40) Unknown, Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui
May 2: Spearfish (35.5) Gary Carter, Capt. Jason Holtz, Pursuit