Kona fishing tuna record on the way?

For the full Jim Rizzuto report, check out the Fishtrack.com link.  Do you think we are on track to catch a 300-pound yellowfin tuna this year?


Beasts of the week (marlin weighing 500 pounds or more):

None weighed.

Tag and Release

5/17:  Blue marlin (200 and 108), Bob McMillan, Capt. Rich Young, A`u Struck.

5/17: Spearfish (25), Carol Herren, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor.

5/18: Blue marlin (175), Carol Herren, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor.

5/18: Blue marlin (175) Denise Wren, (135) Randy Wren, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape

5/19: Blue marlin (100), spearfish (25) Carol Herren, Capt. Bruce Herren, Raptor.

5/19: Striped marlin (75) Nima Rohgozar, Spearfish (35) Neda Rohgozar, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape.

5/19: Spearfish (30) Sandra Campbell, Capt. Chuck Wilson, Fire Hatt.

5/20: Blue marlin (250) Lauren Tarpley, Capt. Kenny Fogarty, Hula Girl.

5/20: Spearfish (35) Randy Wren, Capt. Al Gustavon, Topshape.

5/21: Blue marlin (130) Ryan Dunhom, Capt. Kevin Hiney, Kuuipo

5/21: Spearfish (35) Bob McMillian, Capt. Rich Youngs, A`u Struck.

5/21: Blue marlin (175) Kimberly McCune, Capt. Chuck Wilson, Fire Hatt.

5/22: Blue marlin (325) Mike O’Toole, Capt. Rich Youngs, A`u Struck.

5/22: Blue marlin (150) Tina Olinger, (150) Bridgette Hechat, Capt Chuck Wilson, Fire Hatt.

5/22: Blue marlin (175) Randy Wren, Capt. Al Gustavson, Topshape.

5/23: Blue marlin (135) Jason Hitzfeld, Capt. Molly Palmer, Pamela.

5/23: Blue marlin (250 and 350) Panone Schaffer, Paul Carlton, Go Big.

5/23: Blue marlin (75) Mike Shimamoto, Capt. Carlton Taniyama, Five Star.

5/24: Blue marlin (200) Chris Howat, Capt. Brian Tony, Marlin Magic.

Notable catches

5/18: Ono (15), Paul Lucas, Capt. Kenny Fogarty, Makana Lani.

5/18: Blue marlin (141) Gabe Silveira, Ono (15.5) Mario Coelho, Tootsie Timm, Piilani B.

5/18: Ono (22), Ethan Markley, Capt. Chuck Wilson, Fire Hatt.

5/19: Blue marlin (236.5) Pete and Kim Peterson, Pepe Luau.

5/19: Blue marlin (195) Al Manges, Capt. Jeff Heintz, Linda Sue IV.

5/19: Blue marlin (153) Dan Olia, Capt. Howard Whitcomb, Intrepid.

5/19: Ono (22 fish to 45 pounds), mahimahi (20 and 20), Craig Chambers, Ed and Chris Mueller. Capt. McGrew Rice, Ihu Nui.

5/19: Mahimahi (15 and 15), Tommy and Sarah Wilson, Capt. Kenny Fogarty, Hula Girl.

5/20: Blue marlin (105.5) Kevin Wirkus, Capt. Kevin Hiney, Kuuipo.

5/20: Ono (22) Tom Au, Capt. Jeff Heintz, Linda Sue IV.

5/21: Ono 35.5, spearfish (27.5) Gary Trowbridge, John Wilson, Lawaia.

5/21: Ahi (100, 110, 163 and 204) Naate Figueron, Capt. Bomboy Llanes, Lana Kila.

5/21: Ahi (100) Tad Dotwhilier, Capt. Bobby Cherry, Cherry Pit II.

5/23: Ahi (136) Nick Sites, Dan Marcil, Hawaiki.

5/23: Ono (45), spearfish (35) Carlton Arai, Capt. Ed Mueller, Ihu Nui II.

5/23: Blue marlin (455), ono (37.5 and 38), Terry and Dave Britt, Primo Time.

5/24: Ono (49) Kevin and Wang Yamauchi, Pelena.

5/24: Spearfish (23 and 24) Justyse Evangelista and Oriaon Linhart, Alton Oye, Lanakai.

5/24: Ono (23.5) Hayden Nunes, Capt. Kevin Nakamaru, Northern Lights.